E-commerce logistics
The e-commerce sites market is one of the few growing sectors.
Based on this observation we specialized in the e-commerce logistic in order to allow our customer to focus the commercial development of their web site while increase their logistic performances.
Our strong point sum up in two words:
- Flexibility of our information system.
- Rapidity of our order readying
Reception of the commodity
We attach a particular attention to the reception of your products because it’s the entry point in our information system, which conditioned the reliability of all the order preparation flux.
Step of the products reception:
- Unloading the truck, signing of the delivery note and emission of reservation if needed.
- Qualitative and quantitative control of your product and pull up of the misconduct or qualitative problems.
- Stockpiling of your products in our automated order preparation.
Storage of your products
Thanks to our information system, we masteries the traceability of your product and we can manage the specific information’s: n° de LOT, DLC / DLUO, n° series, IMEI code for the administration of the phones…
We adapt us to the storage confines of your products. For this, we have two types of storage:
- The storage in our automatic order picking composed with horizontals and vertical carousel.
- The storage in a market compose with shelf, dynamic rack and palettiers
Preparation of your orders
hanks to our automated order picking system, the operator is fully guided both the picking for the dispatch of products in commands. This system allows to minimize the operator's movements by automatically bringing the products available.
The preparation step is composing of these points:
- Integration of the order pass on the website in our information system
- Automatic pre-packing of the order
- Preparation of the order of each article with the ability to validate the picking with a bar code
- Weight control of the order
- Edition of the delivery note and possibility to edit a custom document
- Edition of the transporter label
- Provision of parcels carriers
- Possibility to make a gift wrapping paper
Communication with your website
Since more 15 years, we have built our exploitation system to respond rapidly to the specificity of each client. We have a team of computers specialists who realize the connection interface between your website and our exploitation system. We have develop the communication interfaces with the principals e-commerce platform: Magento, Prestashop…
Our standard communication flux is the following:
- Recovery of the order and automatic integration in our exploitation system
- Pull up of all the storey of the order preparation status
- pull up of the transporter tracking number
- update of the stock movement
Management of your customer service
Our call center operators team offers you to take in charge your customer service. For that, we master a several number of tools, including Zendesk which allow us to manage the application and evaluate rate of satisfied customers. Our objective is to allow you to improve the relation between your enterprise and your customers.
We can manage a multitude of services :
- Completion of the orders by phone.
- Advices and information's on the offer product of the e-commerce website.
- Mangement of the complaint and the reimbursement.
- Mangement of the returns.
- Input and control of the settlement.
- Possibility of telesales operations, telemarketing.
- Possibility of revival champagne.
- Satisfaction survey.